Adult courses for the curious and adventurous types.
We build community and ignite passion through intensive short courses for adult learners.
Mountain Institute for Lifelong Learning at Warren Wilson College is a vessel for community building, exploration, adventure, place-based learning, and the ignition of new passion for lifelong learners. These are non-credit bearing experiences, ranging in length from one to three weeks, that bring learners to our campus in Asheville, NC or send them on global explorations with Warren Wilson faculty. These courses highlight the unique magic of Warren Wilson College, which has been a hub of experiential learning since its founding as the Asheville Farm School in 1894.
Adults of all ages are encouraged to apply (18+). The majority of courses will take place on Warren Wilson’s campus, and others will be Worldwide Courses that depart from Asheville but travel to various corners of the globe.
Curious about our campus and approach to education? Watch the video below, or visit our College webpage.
Contact for Mountain Institute:
For questions about On-Campus Mountain Institute courses:
Contact Liz Brace, Director of Events, (828) 771-2012
For questions about Worldwide Traveling courses:
Contact Anna Welton, Senior Director of Communications & Program Development, (828) 771-3783
Warren Wilson College
701 Warren Wilson Rd. Asheville, NC 28778