Nature and Sustainability

Having a Will - Creating Peace of Mind
We all know we need to figure out what happens to our property and legacy when we're gone. But, we often postpone because we don't know where to start. Anyone who has gone through it knows that there is more to having a will than just showing up in the lawyer's office or going online and filling out a form. In this week-long course, we'll walk through the decisions that you need to make and collect the information necessary for getting it all done.

Sky Power for the People - Portable Renewable Energy
In this week-long workshop, you will learn how to build your own portable solar for use at home or in response to disasters, figure out how many watts you need, how to choose the batteries, inverters, and solar panels, and how to estimate your costs.

Beginner Mushroom Growing Weekend
In this course, we’ll learn how to start mushroom cultures using wild tissue samples, spore prints, and liquid culture, as well as learning about grain and sawdust spawn and innoculating shiitake spawn onto oak logs.

Plant Cordage and Tulip Poplar Bark Bucket Weekend
Design and craft your own basket from tulip poplar bark and plant cordage. We will discuss selection and harvesting of appropriate bark and cordage materials with a focus on the Southern Appalachians.

Living Sculpture: Foraging, Sculpting, and Creating with Driftwood and Succulents Weekend
Driftwood and succulents will provide the base for our creations. We will forage for lichen, nuts, seed heads and more to complete our sculptures. The final product can be used as a table centerpiece or a fairy house for bookshelf.

Having a Will - Creating Peace of Mind Weekend
We all know we need to figure out what happens to our property and legacy when we're gone. But, we often postpone because we don't know where to start. Anyone who has gone through it knows that there is more to having a will than just showing up in the lawyer's office or going online and filling out a form. In this program, we'll walk through the decisions that you need to make and collect the information necessary for getting it all done.

Mushroom Foraging and Appreciation
Come explore the southern Appalachian ecosystems that are home to some of the most diverse fungal fruiting bodies in North America. In this four-day course, we will learn the basics of mushroom identification, learn a little about dyeing with mushrooms, and become familiar with a handful of edible mushrooms. This is a fun class that involves walking in the woods during the morning and relaxed activities after lunch.

Ascend to Better Birding I
Through this week-long course you will gain birding knowledge, increase identification skills, by learning a 12-step strategy approach to identifying birds, while having fun.