Music, History and Film

Rhythm Workshop for Musicians Weekend
This course is designed for professional musicians and adult music students who wish to develop their rhythmic skills and knowledge. An area of music theory that is often neglected, rhythm is core to building a deeper level of musicianship. All students in this class develop rhythmic vocabulary and proficiency through group performance in an experiential context that combines the mind and body to holistically ingrain rhythmic prowess.

Beginning Music Theory for Adults
If you are an adult who has never studied music theory, and wants to learn, this week-long course for you! Dr. Jason DeCristofaro, who has over 15 years of teaching music theory in higher education, teaches with an experiential and hands-on approach that involves singing, playing and writing music. Whether you sing, play an instrument - or don't! - this class provides a fun and engaging experience for anyone who wants to learn more about the structure of music.

Art and Education at Black Mountain College Weekend
Black Mountain College is best known as the famous interdisciplinary art school that attracted internationally-renowned (and in many cases, exiled) artists, musicians, poets, and inventors to the rural mountains of North Carolina. But what were the ideas and ideals that gave rise to Black Mountain College's unique spirit of collaboration, experimentation, and community? In this course, we will explore the history and the philosophy behind BMC's distinctively experiential and experimental model of liberal arts education.

Beginner Ukulele and Storytelling Performance
This week-long workshop is designed for ukulele players of all abilities to come together and learn how to combine storytelling with music. Participants will learn to play a folktale-inspired song, understand basic to ukulele techniques, and engage in group activities that blend narrative with music.

Western North Carolina Cinema: Visions of Our History and Culture
Using regional movies, such as "Cold Mountain," "Nell," "The Winter People," and "Songcatcher," this week-long course will explore the history, culture and stereotypes of how Western North Carolina is perceived to Americans and the world. We will begin by outlining the history, and then watch and discuss a series of movies as a way to critique and understand life here in the mountains.