Tentative Itinerary
Day 1: Intro to Mushroom Foraging and Identification
Morning Session:
Welcome and Introductions
Guided Mushroom Identification Walk & Foraging*
Afternoon Session:
Identifying Poisonous Mushrooms - Discussion on various toxic mushrooms in North America: from the deadly to the more mundane, we will learn about some of the chemicals present in certain fungi and associated health problems if ingested
Lesson on Mushroom Morphology & Identification Tools (Field guides, apps, etc.)
Day 2: Edible Mushroom Identification and Cooking Demonstrations
Morning Session:
Identifying Edible Mushrooms
Guided Mushroom Identification Walk & Foraging
Afternoon Session:
Mushroom Cooking Workshop (Hands-on cooking session)
Mushroom Tasting and Discussion
Day 3: Mushroom Dyeing
Morning Session:
Identifying Mushrooms Used in Dyeing
Guided Mushroom Identification Walk & Foraging
Afternoon Session:
Mushroom Dyeing Techniques - Introduction and Demonstration
Practical Mushroom Dyeing Session
Day 4: Field Trip to Pink Beds - High Elevation Fen
Travel to Pink Beds (Transportation provided)
Guided Mushroom Foraging at Pink Beds - we will learn about this very unique ecosystem that is home to unique plants, animals, and fungi. The diversity of fungi in this area can be pretty incredible.
Day 5: Inoculating Logs with Mushroom Spawn
Morning Session:
Recap of Lessons Learned and Q&A Session
Guided Mushroom Identification Walk & Foraging
Afternoon Session:
Inoculating Logs with Mushroom Spawn - Introduction and Demonstration
Hands on Log Inoculation Workshop