Each segment focuses on a key part of the process:

  • Overview – Why planning your estate matters and how to begin.

  • Collecting Information – Organizing details like bank account numbers and an inventory of assets.

  • Your Legacy: What Matters? – Defining your values and priorities.

  • The Right Documents – Choosing between a simple will or trust, and planning for children or pets.

  • Who’s in Charge? – Selecting executors and guardians.

  • Building Your Team – Identifying key advisors like investment planners.

  • Dividing, Devising, and Gifting – Deciding how to distribute your estate.

  • Powers of Attorney – Planning for health and business decisions.

The weeklong course includes additional materials, speakers, and time for journaling and digesting materials.

This course does not include the actual will or trust but prepares the participant in getting ready to undertake that process.

Having a Will - Create Peace of Mind